Take Care of Gingivitis at Yuma, AZ Premier Dental Office

Do you think you may have gingivitis? Don't worry; we take care of gingivitis at our dental offices in Yuma. Our Yuma AZ expert dental team will treat you to alleviate your current symptoms and ensure more serious issues, such as tooth loss, don't occur.

Do I Have Gingivitis?

Gingivitis is actually very common. In its mildest form, symptoms may be so minor you don't recognize them. Irritation, redness and swelling of your gums are the typical signs and symptoms of gingivitis.

If you're experiencing any of the symptoms below, call us today at 928-344-5700 to schedule an appointment.

  • New or increased bleeding when flossing or brushing
  • Swollen gums
  • Soft and puffy gums
  • Receding gums
  • Tender gums
  • Red gums, instead of the healthy pink
  • Bad breath

The sooner you take care of gingivitis, the better. Our Yuma AZ dental office will be better able to reverse the effects of gingivitis and prevent more serious dental problems if we catch it early enough.

What Causes Gingivitis?

Luckily gingivitis is preventable. Good oral hygiene should keep you from developing gingivitis.

Plaque, the invisible, sticky film made up of bacteria, forms on your teeth when starches and sugars left over from food you eat comes in contact with the normal bacteria found in your mouth. By brushing and flossing each day, you'll remove the plaque and keep your teeth healthy. Plaque forms quickly, usually within 24 hours, which is why daily brushing and flossing is essential.

When plaque remains on your teeth for more than three days, it turns into tarter. This tarter creates a protective shield making plaque removal more difficult. Typically tarter cannot be removed by brushing and flossing. Only a professional dental cleaning will remove it.


Am I at Increased Risk for Gingivitis?

Some people are more likely to develop gingivitis than others.

If you use tobacco, have a substance abuse problem or are taking certain medications, you are more susceptible to developing gingivitis.

Some drugs cause gum tissue growth. With the increase in gum tissue, removal of plaque becomes more difficult. When an increase in plaque occurs, you are at a much higher risk for gingivitis. In some cases, the overgrowth of the gums can be surgically removed to treat gingivitis and ensure it does not develop into a more serious dental infection.

If you're experiencing an increase in gum tissue, our experienced dental team in Yuma, Arizona can help. By visiting us for regular check-ups, we'll make sure your gums are under control. There are steps we can take to slow the rate of your gum tissue growth, eliminating the need for surgery.

Pregnancy can also cause complications with gingivitis. Because of hormonal changes, women who already have gingivitis may see a worsening in the infection. It is also believed morning sickness can attribute to gingivitis because women who feel nauseous may find it more difficult to keep up with daily brushing.

Other risk factors that set you at a higher chance of developing gingivitis are: diabetes, decreased functioning of your immune system, viral and fungal infections and if you are a senior.


Treatment of Severe Gingivitis: Surgery by Yuma AZ Gingivitis Specialists

If you have excess gum growth, an abscessed tooth or other complication causing severe gingivitis, we can treat your problem with oral surgery. It may sound scary, but oral surgery is generally less complicated and has fewer complications than other types of surgery.

Moreover, our team of dentist drs in Yuma is dedicated to your absolute comfort. When you have gum surgery, our Yuma AZ gingivitis specialists will ensure your highest level of comfort, both throughout and after the dental procedure.

Take Care of Gingivitis! Yuma, AZ Premier Dental Office is Here to Help!

If you have gingivitis, don't be embarrassed. Our caring, expert staff wants to help you and prevent any future complications.

Call us today at 928-344-5700 for an appointment with our expert, caring team. Remember: the sooner you're seen, the sooner your gingivitis problem can be resolved.